Handcrafted and composed of Root and Splendor's blends of pure and natural essential oils, vegetable glycerin, and distilled water. Specifically crafted for wonderful aromas and emotional well-being. Each ingredient is carefully selected for the safety of our health and environment. Root and Splendor's Room and Body Sprays are safe to be sprayed on your body, in any room or our wool dryer balls.
SWELL SCENT: Lemongrass, Cedarwood and Bergamot
2250 SCENT: Patchouli, Lemongrass, Lavender and Basil
HUMBLE SCENT: Frankincense, Lime and Basil
HUSH SCENT: Lavender, Rosemary and Sandalwood
Room + Body + Wool Ball Spray (Various Scents)